To quote psychologist Paul Rozin
The negative trumps the positive in many ways, and loss aversion is one of many manifestations of a broad negativity dominance.
Handling rejections is a crucial skill to master. With a few rejection emails that came to my mailbox lately, I thought I could share the short story of how I got my first tech internship, both as a reminder to press on and hopefully as a motivation to others.
Around September of 2019, I began to learn about web development by going through online courses and also referencing tutorial books. With a few projects in my Github account, I quickly assembled my very first technical resume and moved on to interview preparations. I started practicing off Leetcode/Codewar questions and also reading up the famed Cracking The Coding Interview handbook. About two months in, I started looking for internship openings. I took the advice from a Youtube video that I watched some time ago and recorded all my job application details. So, the very first position that I applied for was: